A Definition. Palliative care is an interdisciplinary approach dedicated to improving the . is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with critical and terminal illness . terminal. adj (= final) Terminal Care - definition . Medical and nursing care of patients in the terminal stage of an illness. med & nurs care for the . terminal illness . respiratory illness [MED] . offers you access to an english translation, definition . Terminal illness is a medical . By definition, there is no cure or adequate treatment for terminal illnesses. . Ann Intern Med 132 (10): 825 . terminal illness med definition cancer, but is applicable to all people with terminal illness. We have used the WHO definition . in the control of symptoms in patients with terminal cancer. South terminal illness med definition Med J . By definition, there is no cure or adequate treatment for terminal illnesses. . on Terminal illness traduction phase terminale d'une maladie anglais, dictionnaire Francais - Anglais, d�finition . terminal stage of disease [MED] . terminal illness Terminal illness is medical terminology popularized in the 20th . eMedicine med/171 radio/52 MeSH D001195 Asbestosis . Brain death is a legal definition of death that emerged in . 2.12 The following definition was recommended in addition to the current definition of terminal illness: . Sterwensfase geen vereiste voor eutanasia" (1993) 68 Nederlandse Juriste-Med . terminal. adj (= final) Definition of the term Terminal Care: Medical and nursing care of patients in the terminal stage of an illness. phase terminale
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